Saturday, January 1, 2011

Boldog új évet--Happy New Year

In Sopron, they start setting off New Year's fireworks as soon as it gets dark at 4:30. I think it's because they are early to bed people and want to get it over with. We went to the main square about midnight for the official celebration. This band (Ocho Macho --how's that for a Hungarian name?) was entertaining everyone when we got there. The crowd wasn't very big, just half the square filled with all ages from young babies to old grandmas and grandpas. I think everyone else in town had gone to bed.

At midnight, they sang the national anthem and then the fireworks started. They set them off next to the plaza so they were right over our head. I almost had to do a back bend to get the first set of pictures. If you listen, you can hear the mayor of Sopron shouting "boldog új évet" (bulldog ooey evet) or Happy New Year Sopron.

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