Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hurricane Dorian

If you look closely and use a bit of imagination, you can see that the smiley face at the end of our front porch tells you that we survived hurricane Dorian in good shape.

We had steady wind for three days and about 10 inches of rain as measured in the horses feed buckets. The eye of the category 2 hurricane stayed off the east coast and we are 15 miles inland. The winds on the west side of a hurricane are always milder so we had only tropical storm  force winds, about the same as we get in a typical summer rain though these winds lasted for 2 days rather than for half an hour max in a regular summer storm. We lost electricity for about 3 hours on Wednesday.

Right now it is sunny, calm, and clear and the bunnies, birds, and butterflies are telling us the hurricane is gone and we need to join them outside to enjoy the great Florida life. Click on the second picture to see close up the welcoming flock of egrets.

  We are waiting for the grass to dry out from the heavy morning dew so I can cut it before it gets much taller. It grows really fast here in Florida during the summer and with us preparing for Dorian, the grass didn't get its Monday trim. It's Saturday now and it is almost up to my calves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the congregation of egrets is impressive! Glad all is well.
