A year's worth of daydream adventures have come to an end--starting last March with a Caribbean cruise, followed by teaching in China in July, traveling to Germany and Hungary with conventions in August, excitement in Manila, Hong Kong, and Macau giving presentations at universities in December, and ending with teaching for three months from February to April in Utrecht, Netherlands and Pecs, Hungary with side trips to Ireland, Scotland, and England to visit the lands of our ancestors, and to Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland to show off Europe to our grandchildren.
Last Sunday was our last at church in Dutch where we had to guess every Sunday what everyone was saying in talks and lessons.
We said goodbye to Bishop Dong and the relief society president...
to the Ottos, who loaned us lots of bedding for when the grandchildren came to visit...
to the tall members...
and the shorter members...
and every other size.
We said goodbye to the young man waiting for his mission call and his tall girlfriend (there are lots of tall Dutch men and women)...
to the Africanist who has lectured at the University of Florida...
and to the ward organist who always added his long virtuoso flourish to the beginning and end of every number.
Here I am in the apartment sitting on my trunks ready to plan a new set of adventures once we get home to the USA.
Wow!! We're back home again decked out in our orange bonnets in honor of the Dutch queen's birthday.
3 days ago