Wednesday, November 30, 2016

New York, New York!!

Joe invited Mary Poppins (aka Grandma) with her magic carpet bag to accompany the family to New York City to enjoy some Broadway plays. Since they now have too many kids to fit into one room, rather than divide up the parents between two rooms, they invited Mary Poppins (and her travel companion Scottie McLean, aka grandpa) to entertain kids in one room when the older ones went with their parents to Broadway shows.
Enjoy the picture report of their food and fun.
Our hotel was right on Times Square in the middle of the action so we could walk everywhere.
Of course, with magical Mary Poppins along to change leaves into money, Spencer found $100 while walking down expensive 5th Avenue, not far from the Trump Tower. Is this part of the "trickle down" economic plan to make America prosper?


  1. I'm so sad my celiac prevents me from never enjoying a Carnegie deli sandwich again. I hope someone enjoyed a pastrami and krout on rye for me. I heard some really sad news that they are closing as well. Huge bummer!

  2. Looks like you had a tasty trip... food, family, Phantom, Fiddler, fun for all!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow! A $100 bill! That's super. You guys get to do so many fun things with them. I love it! That looked like a fun trip!
