Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Landscaping: Plan D

You've seen our preliminary landscaping work. Mom's garden is doing great. We are eating lettuce and radishes in our salads. The tomatoes should start getting red soon and we should be eating beans and peas in a week or two. Hopefully, the corn will be ready by reunion time.
Dad wants a rock retaining wall supporting his flower creation in front of the house. However, just the rocks for Plan A priced out at over $3,000. You know our motto--you needn't suffer from lack of money if you have plenty of imagination and creativity, So we decided to skip Plans B and C and go directly to Plan D--Disney Imagineering since we live close to Disney World. If Disney had to make rocks because we have mostly sand in Florida, we can do the same. So while mom is growing radishes, tomatoes, and other yummies in the garden, dad is growing rocks. Here I am preparing the rock mix...
planting the rocks...
harvesting the rocks...
and placing them on the hillside.
Here is a peek at the almost finished product--two layers for flowers. Hopefully the bed of zinnias on the lower level with be up and blooming by June.
There is more in store to delight the eye when you visit our house. Just wait and see what else imagineering can do.