On June 12 while taking a 4 mile walk on an unpaved road near our house, I stumbled, struck my head, and lost consciousness. All I know is that one minute I was enjoying a pleasant walk with my wife and a visiting daughter, the next minute I was in the hospital having brain scans. The verdict, a concussion. I was pronounced fit and released from the hospital for about four weeks. Then I was suffering headaches so they rushed me to the hospital for an emergency operation to drain about a pint of what I call "brain juice". You can see a sample draining from my head to the container in my hand in the first picture. After a four day stay, they released me on my birthday. I'm doing fine at home doing exercises and two mile walks to get back in shape. Here are pictures of me stapled together with my brain drain and my scar a month later to satisfy your curiosity. I had to shave my head so the hair would grow out evenly.
3 days ago
Amazing how quickly and well skin repairs itself. Glad you are doing well!