Monday, February 27, 2012

Black Velvet

We have a new horse, a Welsh pony. Do we look happy? The official name is Trixie, but since that name has already been taken in the history of Thompson-Powell horses, we've decided to name her Black Velvet, though that name may change.

Aren't Braden and Bryce doing a good job brushing off the winter hair?

Ella is checking whether "velvet" is a good name.

Does grandma look excited to saddle her for the first time?

Here you can see how she compares in size with Choco and Monte.

Six weeks

We've been off our missions for almost 6 weeks. Tatum is six weeks...

and Sarah is four weeks old.

Don't they look great?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Grandma duty in Savannah

Grandma got a call to grandma duty in Savannah for the next few days while bishop Joe takes 8 teenage boys from the ward skiing in North Carolina on their annual high adventure leaving mom with a new born...

and three energetic boys.

Grandma was greeted with a trumpet duet by the Two Joes...

accompanied by Blake on the piano.

While grandpa is back in Florida, grandma will be taking kids to school and supervising homework.

She'll also keep an eye on the animals...

and keep in shape on the trampoline.

Spencer will help her get acquainted with the public transportation...

and of course, she'll have lots of baby bonding time.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mary's 5th Birthday!

Mary had her fifth birthday today!

There was lots of fun for the cousins and friends in a bounce house on the front lawn...

flying dragon kites in the street...

playing with remote control trucks and boats...

eating lots of pizza, cake and ice cream...

and just being together.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

New football helmets?

Braden and Bryce are showing off their latest headgear!

Roadkill delight?

The nearby Chiefland Ward has an annual "Beast Feast" where they suggest how you might augment your food storage with roadkill--various wild animals common along the highways of Florida. Here is the selection that Caroly and I tried.

The numbers we attached to our plates as we made our selections are keys to what we ate--which was announced by number when we were done. You can see by the number of attachments to my plate on the right that I was more adventuresome than Caroly--though she says the racoons and yam were heavenly (at least the yam was).

Can you guess from these selections what things we ate?

Some things look like the buzzards picked them over first.

This year there were no frogs, snakes, or alligators, but plenty of squirrel, possum, deer, raccoon, rabbit, chicken, wild pig, and of course "rocky mountain oysters" (fricasseed pig testicles). They say that the ward members save up their "delights" in the freezer through the year. The place was packed with eager learners picking up road kill tips.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What did you expect?

We haven't been home one month and guess what?

We have a new horse for the grandkids! If you know grandma, would you expect anything else?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

All shapes and sizes

One thing about Florida is that you see people of all shapes and sizes.

Even the public transportation has some surprises.

Actually, Ella and Braden are with grandma and grandpa at the annual medieval fair in Gainesville.