Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Visit to Wendy's

Last week we spent at Wendy's in Baton Rouge, first to bless Tessie (I forgot to take my camera so this will have to do):
then to do house repairs so they can sell their house and move to Saudi Arabia for several years. I built a frame around the wall air conditioner, rehung the gate, repaired and painted doors, and painted trim.
The morning we left we surprised Wendy with a "healthy" birthday cake substitute; a farmer's omelette with 32 sausage candles and half a watermelon with 32 real candles to blow out.
We then packed the car with everything they didn't want to sell before going overseas. We'll store the stuff under the stairs.


  1. Thats great! I was just talking to Ruth this morning and she was telling me how the house was broken so grandpa had to come fix it. (:
