You know how we are always fixing up the house to make things a visual delight. I just finished redoing the deck by the pool. Jammie suggested that we stain it so the new boards will blend in with the old. I think it looks great. Thanks, Jammie, for the suggestion.

Rob put a top on the trampoline so it looks like a gazebo. Mom's flowers look great.

Notice that the food towers are now filled with flowers, herbs, cherry tomatoes and other delicious things.

Can you spot the cantaloupe, zucchini, corn, and beans?

Here is the tomato and California pepper patch. (That's what they call green peppers in Hungary.)

We have lots of oranges. They'll be ready in December and January so we'll have lots of fresh orange juice.

Can you see the bee pollinating the cumquat?

Of course, all this great food grows best with compost. Here are Rob's compost piles and compost barrels. The fence is loaded with grapes that should be ready in August. The problem is that the squirrels eat them faster than we can pick them.

Hasn't mom done a great job with the flowers in the front?

Here is what will great you in the entryway--flowers and herbs.
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