We already showed you this picture of Agi, who has Bonnie's name in her special missionary registry in the back of her Book of Mormon.
Mom was in charge of checking the memories of people while I was doing branch business for Sopron with the district leadership so she found all sorts of people before I could get my camera to get some pictures. The woman on the right, Katalin Nemeth, remembered Bonnie right away--Bonnie taught her the gospel so she has warm memories of her. She was baptized 2 May 2000 after Bonnie left. The other woman remembered Bonnie too but I didn't get the name.
The woman on the right next to mom says that she moved to Szombathely just about the time Bonnie started serving there so she remembers her well too. The blond on the left is the branch president's wife, Sister Lazar. She came after Bonnie but Mom wanted to include her in the picture. Sorry that I was too busy to get more memory pictures.
I do remember Kati. I'm so glad she joined the church. I remember going to their house and how her mother used to play pretty tunes on her piano, and would tell us about how Hungary used to be, before communism. I also remember the lady in the second picture on the right. She used to give lessons in church. I think I may also remember the lady nest to Kati. Thank you for the reminders. It is good to see how everyone is doing.